Collins FDC Catalog
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H1704 / Scott 2448
Classic Films
Collins Cover Announcement
Hooves thunder over the desert as the stage is being attacked by hostiles. The reins have been lost by the driver and the kid drifter (a young John Wayne) has made his way to one of the team's lead horses and now controls the desperate flight. On the seat, the driver and guard concentrate on returning fire.
From a side window, a passenger aims his rifle while the unseen others huddle together awaiting an unknown fate.
The Indians close in on the crippled coach. One bears down on the rider directing the team. Others surround the stage brandishing their various weapons. It is truly an action scene and, by being hand painted in desert tones, it achieves a traditional western look. To those who forget the ending, a troop of U.S. cavalry arrives at the last moment and saves the day!
A Hollywood bullseye cancel ties the large and attractive classic film stamp to the cover. A must. Item #H1704. $8.50.
All four covers in the set are now available. In my opinion, the jumbo stamps are very well done and there is much interest in the individual movies "Gone With the Wind" and "The Wizard of Oz". There is also much interest in western theme covers
("Stagecoach") and military theme covers ("Beau Geste" with French Foreign Legion cachet). Accordingly, I expect these covers to sell out probably sooner than later.
In addition to the "Stagecoach" FDC, the following three are still available in limited numbers.
H1701 - The Wizard of Oz - $8.50
H1702 - Gone With the Wind - $8.50
H1703 - Beau Geste - $8.50