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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

Lincoln Memorial (2)

Y5713 / Scott 5298G


Grasslands Wildlife Management Area, Merced County, CA 

Cover Announcement 

Each and every iconic cachet subject in this set is presented within a frame that has intricate elements taken from the

cherished lines of America the Beautiful. The "fruited plains" are represented by the two sides of the frame which feature hand painted fruits and vegetables from our bountiful harvests. Across the top of the frame are snow-capped "purple mountain majesties" and a bald eagle clutching a stars and stripes shield in its talons. And, spanning the bottom of the frame are waves to the right representing the Atlantic Ocean and waves to the left representing the - Pacific. In between the "sea to shining sea" is a bundle of wheet representing the "amber waves of grain." All tweaty of the cachets that follow will have this amazing hand painted America the Beautiful theme framing them. Awesome!

A Journey Through Our History

The individualty hand painted Collins cachets in this incredible set will chronicle the following American icons and events.

The memorial for the great Abraham Lincoln who reunited the nation after the Civil War.

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