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Collins FDC Catalog

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Supreme Allied Commander

S5801 / EV28

Event Cover

75th Anniversary of D-Day Invasion, Normandy, France

Cover Announcement 

It was a surprise to me that the U.S. Postal Service did not issue a stamp to commemorate this very important event in the Second World War. On June 6, 1944 Allied Forces invaded Europe for the final monumental push to end Adolph Hitler's reign of terror.

General Dwight David Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the invasion forces. He would go on to become President of the United States after the war. Serving under him were Generals Montgomery (Great Britain and British Commonwealth Nations) and Charles de Gaulle (Free French Forces). They are pictured on the hand painted cachet.

What makes this cover so special is the fantastic postmark. There is a small town on the coast of New Jersey called Normandy Beach. On June 6, 2019 I took my covers to the post office there and had them postmarked on the actual 75th Anniversary of the World War II invasion. This is a Collins exclusive as no one else made it there for that intriguing cancel! A beautiful magenta Normandy Beach postmark to commemorate the Normandy Beach invasion. A philatelic gem.

It is with a sense of remembrance and gratitude that I offer this commemorative to honor all those brave souls who took part in the successful invasion at Normandy, France, seventy-five years ago. Collins #S5801 at $ 16.50.

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