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Collins FDC Catalog

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War of 1812

W5301 / Scott 4921

The War of 1812 - Bicentennial

Bombardment of Fort McHenry

Cover Announcement 

This individualiy hand painted cachet features an aerial map presentation of the star-shaped fort as well as an artillery unit firing their cannon. Several components make this a great First Day Cover. First, the large stamp is wonderful with fine color showing the star-spangled banner, the rocket bombardment, and an artillery piece on the wall of the fort. Second, the hand painting of the blast from the cannon is terrific adding "action" from the middle of the cachet all the way to the area under the stamp and postmark. Finally, the map view of McHenry itself gives a perfect touch of historic perspective.

Starting at six AM on the morning of September 13, 1814, British warships continuously fired on the fort for 25 hours. Francis Scott Key witnessed the attack from Baltimore Harbor. When, at first light, he saw the oversized American flag still flying over the fort, he was so moved that he began to compose the poem that would become our National Anthem. In short order, the British withdrew their ships and Baltimore was safe.

Fort McHenry - War of 1812 with thundering cannon is now ready. Collins #W5301 at $15.00.

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