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Collins FDC Catalog

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92-06 / IL18

Illinois 1992

Golden Retiever & Decoy by Phillip Crowe

Fred's Anecdotal Note


At a face cost of $10.00 and a fifty-cent surcharge, this is one of the highest valued State Duck stamps. The design of this "golden memories" scene depicts a flock of mallards on the wing and a benevolent retriever. It's a very cute design. The

hand-painted cachet has a mallard drake gliding in for a landing on a forest stream.

The postmark is a superb one from the Prairieland Philatelic Center and features a "Land of Lincoln" Illinois pictorial. Stamp serial numbers used were 6451 to 6750 except 481 to 485 and 571 to 575 plus 596.

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