Collins FDC Catalog
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North Carolina
92-20 / NC10
North Carolina 1992
Wigeon by Richard Plasschaert
Fred's Anecdotal Note
A gentle Atlantic surf washes ashore on a Carolina beach. The remains of a weathered boat has been swept in by the morning tide. On the horizon, a sailboat takes advantage of the strong ocean breeze. Streaking through the salty air, a pair of American wigeons pass by this tranquil seashore setting. It is interesting to note that this duck is also known as the "baldpate" and the male in this cachet is a good example as to why this name came about.
The 1992 issue is the Tenth Anniversary edition of the North Carolina Duck stamp. It has the First Day of Issue postmark from Raleigh at the Capitol Station. Serial numbers used were 4501 through 4710 except for 4565 .