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Collins FDC Catalog

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92-40 / NV14

Nevada 1992 

American Wigeon by Richard Clifton

Fred's Anecdotal Note


Air-racing brings an exciting new theme to this MILF'ORD. A beautiful pictorial postmark was available in Reno on issue dater so I decided that this is the way I would go with my hand-painted cachet. Sharing the sensation of flight, a pair of wigeons rise from a wetland area while in the background two planes soar by on their race course. The complementary pictorial cancel and cachet theme combine nicely to make this a truly unique and different duck cover.

Serial numbers used are 4101 to 4310, and I like the bold, large style that Nevada used to print the numbers. Air races are very big in this area of the country and this MILFORD Duck Cover doubles as a nice item commemorating the 29th National Championships.

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