Collins FDC Catalog
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92-41 / CA23
California 1992
Speckled Belly Goose by S. Russell Meline
Fred's Anecdotal Note
This is a notable MILFORD as it marks the first time that a white-fronted goose has been represented on my covers. I chose Yosemite National Park as the setting for my hand-painted cachet and the familiar waterfall can be prominently seen in the background. Note how the gentle curving lines of the goose's head, the cliffs, and the waterfall all combine to form a pleasing and natural visual effect. It is one of my personal 1992 favorites.
The covers were canceled at the Foothill Farms Branch of the Sacramento Post Office. Serial numbers used were 24-00 to 33-05 except for 27-03. A total of 229 covers were produced.