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Collins FDC Catalog
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South Dakota
92-46 / SD13
South Dakota
Scaup-Bluebills by Mark Anderson
Fred's Anecdotal Note
1992 South Dakota
This hand-painted cachet is an excellent example of how the colors in the artwork can be coordinated with the colors in the stamp. The desired "Iook" has been beautifully achieved and the lavendar and cream tones blend together for a soft and tranquil habitat setting. In the cachet, a pair of scaup swim among golden reeds, while the stamp image has a pair standing at water's edge.
A Pierre, South Dakota postmark ties the stamps to the cover. It should be noted that, although the stamp says "1993", it went on sale in 1992 and is considered a 1992 MILFORD. There were 198 covers produced for this issue.
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