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Collins FDC Catalog

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93-05 / TN18

Tennessee 1994 

Mallard by Ralph McDonald

Fred's Anecdotal Note


This state duck stamp always has two features which make it a prime MILFORD collectible. First of all, the stamp is always of highest visual quality and this year's mallard rendition is no exception--it's a beauty. Secondly, the face value of S15.00 makes it the highest priced state duck stamp and this also adds to its esteem.

A wonderful Nashville cancellation ties both stamps to the cover. Stamp serial numbers used were 5001738 to 5001875 except for 1752, 1754, and 1757 for a net of 135 covers. The hand-painted cachet shows Nashville from an earlier era with a pair of mallards flying over a flatboat approaching the city. A mandolin provides a pictorialfootnote honoring the city's }egacy of country music fame.

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