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Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

North Carolina
94-16 / NC12
North Carolina 1994
Buffleheads by Phillip Crowe
Fred's Anecdotal Note
North America's smallest duck, the bufflehead, makes an attractive hand-painted cachet for this MILFORD. By doing a large close-up, it enabled me to show the delicate head feathers many of which are iridescent purples and blues. Set against the naturally dark feathers and contrasted by the large white wedge on the head, these colors make the petite bufflehead Iovely to observe. Note how the various layers of paint colors on duck and water truly make this a miniature work of art.
Stamp serial numbers used were 4501 to 4640 and the
July first postmark is from Raleigh.
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