Collins FDC Catalog
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95-16 / VA8
Virginia 1995
Snow Geese by Richard Clifton
Fred's Anecdotal Note
Assateague Island National Seashore on Virginia's Atlantic Coast is the setting for this hand-painted MILFORD cachet. In Colonial times, horses from a shipwreck swam ashore to the Island and up to this very day their descendents roam free and wild. They are a great tourist attraction and many visitors trek the National Park each year hoping to get a look at the elusive but fairly numerous ponies. Assateague is also a great area for migrating waterfowl. On this cover, five snow geese rest on the dunes amid seagrass and an occasional shell. In the background, two wild horses romp by the water's edge.
Stamp serial numbers used were 7291 to 7310 and 7531
to 7650 for a net number of 140 produced. The new five
dollar stamp is postmarked at Newbern, Virginia and all of
the cancels are only of fair quality.