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Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

New York
96-01 / NY12
New York 1996
Common Loon by Len Rush
Fred's Anecdotal Note
This is the first cover of the 1996 MILFORD Wildlife Series which will be my theme for the entire year. The hand-painted cachet features a most attractive water bird -- the loon. This resident of the Adirondack lakes glides effortlessly across the surface as he is watched by a curious black bear. The use of watercolors results in a very artistic rendering with particular emphasis on the color detail of the loon, the reflections in the water, and the Upper New York State setting of mountains and forest.
OnIy 150 covers were produced for this issue. The new $5.50 stamp has a nice magenta cancel with black date at Catskill, New York.
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