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Collins FDC Catalog

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A1901 / Scott 2550

Performing Arts

Cole Porter - Composer

Collins Cover Announcement 


A very large unofficial First Day cancel makes this a bold and distinctive First Day Cover. After purchasing the stamps at the official city of Peru, Indiana it was a drive south to Crothersville. There, a "Red, White, and Blue" Festival was in progress and with the flag-dominated postmark available, what better tribute to this all-American composer?

Cole Porter's songs blended fresh, witty lyrics and very singable meoldies. One such song that I remember from my youth was "Don't Fence Me In". I can't remember the lyrics exactly but they were something to the effect of "Give me land, lots of land, under starry skies above" and "Take me to the place where the west commences, take me to the land where they don't have fences." It conjured up an image of the West.

I want to see the stars,

I want to feel the breeze, 

I want to smell the sage 

And hear the cottonwood trees.

Talk about a feast of the senses. Well, "Don't Fence Me In" roped this young cowpoke and I guess Cole Porter put his brand on me at least with a life-long appreciation of that song and his lyrical talent.

My hand-painted cachet shows two cowboys riding herd in the shadows of twilight time. Arid.. .not a fence in sight. The stamp honoring Porter is canceled with the very large "Red, White and Blue Festival" flag cancel actually obtained on Day of Issue. A nice piece of Americana. Item #A1901. $8.75.

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