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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom


O1905 / Scott 2559E

World War II

Arsenal of Democracy

Collins Cover Announcement 


Dear Collector,

On December 7, 1941 with the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States of America entered the Second World War. Joining an epic conflict that engulfed the entire globe, our citizens at home as well as those at the various fronts, made their way through the war years to ultimate victory. The price was high in terms of blood, sweat, tears, sacrifice, and money. But the cause was just and a true sense of "national purpose" arose in every city and town. Every factory and farm. Every American citizen from sea to shining sea. We went to war and patriotism flourished throughout the land.

During the next five years to mark the 50th Anniversary of World War II, the U.S. Postal Service will issue a set of fifty stamps to commemorate important occurrences, aspects, and events of the War. There will be ten stamps annually, in desirable souvenir sheet format, so it will be a very nice issue to look forward to each year. Because of the topic, I know that the stamps and First Day Covers will be very popular with collectors. To make my COLLINS Covers really special, I am producing an outstanding series of hand-painted cachets relating to each subject. And, I will, of course, service the covers on the First Day and secure the best possible related actual Day of Issue Postmarks.

A couple of very important announcements must be made at this time.

1 This order is only for the 1991 set of ten World War II stamps.

2. I will only produce the World War II sets for collectors

who pre-order them in advance. You may order one or more sets now but none will be available after issue date.

3. When you order one or more 1991 sets, you will be

guaranteed the option of securing the same number of the 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995 ten-stamp sets but you will not be obligated to do so. The choice will be yours.

I personally recommend that you obtain at least one set for your collection. It is a guaranteed winner for many reasons. These will be magnificent, hand-painted military FDCs commemorating our contributions to World War II. They will be serviced on actual issue date with a wonderful "related" postmark. Since they will only be offered prior to issue, their status as immediate COLLINS "sold-outs" will ensure their collectibility and status.

In addition to the above, there is another compelling reason to obtain one or more of these 1991 World War II COLLINS FDCs. Since this set of ten will only be produced for those collectors ordering from this letter, any future collector who obtains the subsequent sets in the next four years will have to go to the marketplace to be complete. This ensures that these ten COLLINS covers will always be in demand and I suspect at a nice premium. The prudent collector will not miss this opportunity to acquire a minimum of one set, and a second set for future sale or trade would not be a bad decision.

Send your deposit now to reserve your set(s). The tentative issue date is September 3rd, so I need to have your reservation by Saturday, August 31. I intend to start shipping the World War II covers shortly after issue date at the rate of one per month. I will also invoice you for one cover per month. As I have done with my subscription covers since last October, I plan to keep a very tight schedule and this set will be completed and delivered before the 1992 set of ten is issued.

I am very excited about this First Day Cover project. The military has always been an important part of the country's evolution. As most of you know, my dad was a crew member on a B-17 "flying fortress" bomber. My unit was the First Air Commando Wing in Vietnam. Many of you have written me of your service during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. COLLINS collectors most recently served "on the sand during Desert Storm. Past COLLINS FDCs such as Admiral Chester Nimitz, General Hap Arnold, and General Claire Chennault have captured the drama and excitement of World War II. Now, the 1991 set and those of the next four years give me the opportunity to illustrate on COLLINS First Day Covers the exciting epic of World War II. To bring back the memories -- some good and some bad -- of our participation in that great global conflict. The Pacific War against Japan's "evil empire". The taking on of Adolph Hitler's awesome war machine from the "Desert Fox" to the "wolf-packs- to the invasion at Normandy. The memories from the "home front" and the contributions of our allies. Big events of world-wide significance and individual heroism of the American G.I.

The monthly payment plan makes this set affordable for everyone. It will not be available after issue date so please send in your reservation form and deposit now so that you are not disappointed. I will acknowledge your set(s) and you have my commitment that they will be shipped and invoiced promptly at the rate of one per month. It will be a beautiful set of covers and I am pleased to offer it to you. Thanks.


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