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Collins FDC Catalog

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M2001 / Scott 2637

Summer Olympics


Collins Cover Announcement



If you enjoy the thrill of competition in athletic contests, you will love this soccer cachet. It pays tribute to the world's most popular sport and I've chosen a key moment in the match. A hard, line-drive kick has just been drilled at short range toward the right side of the net. It looks like a sure score with the goal tender having no chance of reaching it. But wait! The goalie has launched himself leaping like a coiled spring to his left toward the on-coming rocket-like ball. His body arches in a straining reach almost perpendicular to the grassy turf. His eyes are intent--staring at the spot of intercept. His arms stretch to their full length in the hope that they will be in time. At the final fraction of a second before the speeding black and white ball passes into the net, the goalie's hands grab and hold for an incredible save. It's an "Olympic moment" and a beauty.

A hand-painted sports cachet with the above-mentioned action taking place in front of the graph-like squares of the goal net. Something special has been achieved here in honor of the world's favorite sport. Most call it football. We call it soccer. Item #M2001. $10.50.

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