Collins FDC Catalog
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M2003 / Scott 2639
Summer Olympics
Collins Cover Announcement
A most unusual portrayal of this axciting sport is used in the hand-painted cachet of this COLLINS First Day Cover. You are looking straight down at center court. Stretching across the very bottom edge of the cachet you see the top of the net.
Leaping vertically off the hardwood floor, a United States team member leaps straight up extending high above the net. The front line player has his right hand extended backward ready for explosive contact with the ball. His eyes are riveted on the white sphere as it descends toward him after being "set up" by a teammate. Soon the waiting hand will hammer forward and spike the ball with practiced intensity into the opponent's court. An exciting moment in this fast-moving sport captured in cachet art.
The stamp has the First Day postmark from Baltimore. Still available from this set are my swimming and gymnastics covers. To be offered soon are the remaining two -- soccer and boxing. In conclusion, try to form a mental image of this volleyball cachet. You are suspended above the court and looking straight down. Furthest from you is the patterned floor of attractive hardwood boards that serve as a background for the unfolding action. Leaping upward at you is a tall, athletic United States team member whose jump has extended his upper torso high above the top of the net. Closest to you is the volleyball itself which is descending toward the waiting player positioned for a solid spike. A different and interesting Olympic item for your collection. Item #M2003. $10.50.