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Collins FDC Catalog

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M2004 / Scott 2640

Summer Olympics


Collins Cover Announcement



This is the fifth and final cover of what I believe is the finest set of covers produced for these stamps. It is the final Olympic boxing event--the heavyweight bout. A United States boxer in red, white, and blue sizes up his European opponent outfitted in red. In Olympic boxing, the ends of the gloves are white and points are gained by contact against an opponent with these white areas. The red boxer flicks a right jab toward his American foe but it falls harmlessly short. Coiled like a muscular spring, the U.S. athlete will pick his moment to unleash an attack of his own. The outcome will be based on the time-honored tradition of "May the best man win".

This COLLINS is a very nice sports and Olympic topical, and, as such, will be of interest to all collectors in those areas. As far as Olympic covers are concerned, this one wins by a knockout. Item #M2004. $10.50.

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