Collins FDC Catalog
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P2007 / Scott 2697G
World War II
USS Yorktown Lost
Collins Cover Announcement
I am pleased to offer the ten COLLINS Covers for the on-going World War II issue marking the 50th Anniversary of that vast global conflict. This has proven to be an extremely popular topic with collectors, and I strongly recommend this COLLINS set. In fact, you might want to consider putting a set away to trade or sell in the future.
The stamps-in the 1992 souvenir sheet provide remembrance for the following events.
1. The U.S.A. 1942 air raid on Tokyo.
2. Commodity rationing on the homefront.
3. Battle of the Coral Sea.
4. The fall of Corregidor.
5. Japanese invasion of the Aleutian Islands.
6. Deciphering of enemy codes.
7. U.S.S. Yorktown lost/Victory at Midway.
8. Women in the war effort.
9. Marines at Guadalcanal.
10. Allied landing in North Africa
Each of the ten COLLINS Covers in this set has a large distinctive hand-painted cachet pertaining to the event on the corresponding stamp. Each cover has a separate mini-cachet which brings a personal perspective to the big picture. Each cover has a bold, large text that captures the all-consuming war atmosphere that prevailed fifty years ago. And, each of these covers has a Day of Issue postmark that was obtained exclusively by COLLINS Covers to add a fine related, philatelic significance.
Last year, my World War II FDCs were the only ones to be canceled at the Pearl Harbor Naval Air Station in Hawaii. This year my covers are the only ones to be canceled at Yorktown, Virginia in honor of the first American aircraft carrier to be lost -- the U.S.S. Yorktown at Midway. The postmark has added meaning as our independence was first won at that very spot when Cornwallis surrendered to General washington. It was the liberty gained there on that day which all who served in World War II sought to protect.
Ultimately, the Postal Service plans to issue ten WWII stamps per year for five years to commemorate the 50th Anniversary.
The resulting COLLINS set of First Day Covers will always have an important place in the hobby, and I am pleased to offer the ten 1992 editions at this time.