Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

T2004 / Scott 2703
Collins Cover Announcement
A dramatic prehistoric scene featuring dinosaurs is the cachet setting in which I chose to present this mineral topic. When I serviced the covers in September, I had never heard of the movie "Jurassic Park" and did not dream that, when I was ready to offer this FDC (now), dinosaurs would be getting constant
press coverage. I did know that dinosaurs have become a favorite with many collectors (my 1989 set of four sold out
very quickly), and that this issue provided an opportunity not to be missed.
In my hand-painted cachet, a lush subtropical landscape finds a fierce tyrannosauros doing battle with the armour-plated horn-studded triceratops. In the background, two gigantic brontosaurus graze among the treetops, and overhead a flying pteranodon swoops through the air. Viewed underground in a cross-cut section, deposits of the orange/red mineral wulfenite await their discovery millions of years later by man.
The large, attractive stamp has a Rocky Hill, New Jersey First Day of Issue postmark. It is a little faint but nicely related to the mineral theme and was one of four different state post offices visited on the issue date for this quartet of new stamps. This makes the second one offered (copper previously announced) with the final two to be ready soon.
A personal challenge with this new set was how to present interesting settings for the various minerals. If my dinosaur theme for wulfenite was to be compared to all other cachets done, I believe that it would be judged "Best of Issue". Add to the hand-painted prehistoric COLLINS cachet the philatelic presence of the Rocky Hill postmark, and you have a real gem. Wulfenite. Item #T2004. $10.75.