Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

Z1901 / Scott 2611
Winter Olympics
Collins Cover Announcement
Ice Hockey
This hand-painted COLLINS illustrates the L. of an "entire" First Day Cover. As I've indicated befoLe, an "entire" is a cover on which the stamp, postmark and cachet consume the whole viewing surface of the envelope. It is my opinion that well-done, hand-painted "entires" are the cream of the FDC
crop. This cover meets that definition.
In the upper right corner the new, brightly colored stamp is affixed. A bullseye First Day cancel ties it to the cover. Using all of the remaining space to best advantage, my hand painting cachet shows a goalie defending his net. He looks intimidating indeed with face-mask helmet, large leg pad, a large leather glove on one hand meant to catch on-coming shots on goal and a blocking pad on the other hand meant to deflect pucks away. He also holds his stick at the ready poised to hit away attempted scores. This is a superb sports, Olympics and hockey cover.
I'd like to draw your attention to a subtle detail on this bold COLLINS. Around hockey rinks there is a partition of clear glass to protect fans from the danger of fast flying hockey pucks. Note closely ,he area behind the goalie and net as to how I handled this part of the design. You will see the hints of spectators behind the glass barrier--not intrusive into the main impact design but never-the-less there. Something to be "discovered" by observant viewers. I don't mean to over-state this feature but it's just such a good example as to how a subtle and secondary art technique can add to total quality.
This set is shaping up nicely and I'm very happy to now offer the Ice Hockey. Item #Z1901. $10.50.