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Collins FDC Catalog

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Z1903 / Scott 2613

Winter Olympics

Speed Skating

Collins Cover Announcement


Speed Skating

At long last I am ready to begin sending out my Winter Olympic covers. Quite a few collectors have inquired about this set, and I can only say that the wait will be worth it. I believe that these will be judged, by far, the finest Winter Olympic covers that I have produced to date.

Starting off is Speed Skating. This event is particularly note-worthy because of the recent Olympic games. Millions world-wide watched the heart-warming drama as Dan Jansen finally achieved his long and arduous quest and captured a Gold Medal. Also, in the same event, the indomitable Bonnie Blair with her gracious but spunky personality became a great, multiple and repeat Gold Medal Olympic champion.

If one word ever could describe a set of five different hand-painted COLLINS Covers this is the time. That one word is "SPEED". In this FDC, as well as the Bobsledding, Downhill Skiing, Figure Skating, and Hockey cachets that will follow, I think you will be amazed at how the elements of speed and action have been captured.

Sports covers in general and Olympics in particular are always well received and, take my word, this set will always be admired within the hobby. The stamps have a clean, crisp Day of Issue postmark from Orlando and the cachets can be described in the same manner -- clean, crisp, colorful, and action-packed. If FDCs were an Olympic event, these would bring home the Gold. Speed Skating. Item #Z1903. $10.50.

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