Collins FDC Catalog
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Z1904 / Scott 2614
Winter Olympics
Downhill Skiing
Collins Cover Announcement
Downhill Skiing
This hand-painted cover is the second in my Winter Olympic set of five. Experiencing this FDC for yourself will far exceed anything I can say about it. The skier is virtually flying down the slope with snow spraying and the background a blur of motion. The uniform is brightly colored which has been the trend in recent Olympics. With the cachet using all available space on the envelope, the combination of the large size of the artwork and the sense of speed that the painting evokes makes this one of the finest Winter Olympic covers that you will ever see. It joins the "Speed Skating" FDC already offered (Item #Z1903 still available at $10.50) with Ice Hockey, Figure Skating and Bobsledding yet to come.
A great cover from the world of winter sports. Downhill Skiing. Item #Z1904. $10.50.