Collins FDC Catalog
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F2103 / Scott 2742
Space Fantasy
Oval Craft
Collins Cover Announcement
"Rocket Attack" Cachet
Now available is the next cover in my "comic strip" style hand-painted cachets in my Space Fantasy set. This one is full of action.
Four intruder fighters have invaded friendly territory so two manned rockets have been sent up to intercept them. One of the "good guys" has just fired his laser beam gun and one of the intruders disintegrates in a bright explosion. The action takes place against a cratered moon surface backdrop with other heavenly bodies beyond.
This set was very well received by collectors. Here are a couple of my thoughts on this issue. First of all, it is now apparent that not many cachetmakers at all did individual FDCs for each of these stamps. Since there are many "space" collectors, in retrospect I'm really happy that there will be a set of COLLINS out there in the hobby. Second, I was not sure as to how my "comic strip cachet style" would be received as it is really different from my usual cachet art. Judging from collector reaction, they have been well received as a good and different approach to the "Space Fantasy" theme of the issue.
With one of their ships exploding in their midst, the remaining three invaders now hope to evade and escape the protecting rocket patrol of two quickly closing in on them. Space Fantasy action. Item #F2103. $10.75.