Collins FDC Catalog
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F2104 / Scott 2743
Space Fantasy
Jet Pack Travel
Collins Cover Announcement
"Personal Propulsion"
The hand-painted cachet in this space cover is quite different from all others in my set. You are placed inside a spaceship and are at the control center by the captain's position. A windshield, framed by multi-colored panes of instrument boards, provides a clear view of an outer-space panorama. Nearby, two astronauts in space suits with clear bubble-type helmets perform maneuvers. Their acrobatic-like movements are powered by "personal propulsion" tanks affixed to their backs. The two cavorting spacemen complement the flying pair of astronauts shown on the stamp which is postmarked at the NASA city of Huntsville, Alabama.
As you look out from your vantage spot at the control center, the two soaring individuals are not alone in your view. Nearby, a small rocket zooms by and further out a delta-winged spaceship has an arc-like flight path as it begins a long journey to a distant planet. An assortment of small moons and planets are visible, but most evident is the large, looming cloud-shrouded planet to your left that serves as your home base.
I am sure that not many cacetmakers did individual covers from this fantasy set- My "comic-strip" style hand-painted cachets for each of the individual stamps in this issue of five stamps will definitely be worth owning because space topical collectors will always be on the lookout for them--not too many different cachets exist for the individual stamps. Because of my reputation, space enthusiasts as well as future COLLINS collectors will be in search of them.
The daring exploits of self-propelled astronauts. Item #F2104. $10.75.