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Collins FDC Catalog

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F2105 / Scott 2744

Space Fantasy

Space Transport

Collins Cover Announcement


Meteor Shower

In this bright hand-painted cachet in the continuing Space Fantasy series, a sleek rocket blasts its way through an ominous threat -- a cluster of various sized meteors which are on an almost endless journey through the emptiness of space. To add a little interest, I've included a planetary sphere at some distance with vertical and horizontal rings. A rather stark, but vivid, cachet which renders up one of the dangers of space travel. And, it's done in the "comic strip" design mode which I've used for this series of COLLINS cachets as a change of pace from my usual style. Coming soon will be the final FDC in the set -- "Bubble Communities".

As for this offering, a shimmering metalic rocket from planet Earth seeks a collision-free flight path through the boulder-like meteors that surround it. A Space Fantasy.

"Meteor Shower", Item #F2105. $10.75.

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