Collins FDC Catalog
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E2201 / Scott 2794A
Christmas Contemporary
Jack-in-the-Box, Jack-in-the-Reindeer, Snowman, Toy Soldier
Collins Cover Announcement
All four colorful Christmas stamps are featured on this First Day Cover. A toy soldier tooting a bugle. A snowman with carrot nose. A reindeer with red nose. And, a Jack-in-the-box popping out of a Christmas gift. They make a very festive and seasonal sight and are postmarked with the First Day of Issue slogan cancel.
For the subject matter of my hand-painted cachet, I chose an ornament-laden Christmas tree. Most prominent is a toy soldier with red tunic and blue pants. His tall military hat and shouldered rifle bring to mind the musical classic "March of the Wooden Soldiers". In addition to several brightly painted traditional ornaments, my cachet also includes a candy cane and miniature toy drum nestled among the green pine needles. It's a nice holiday collectible and "Christmas" is a popular topical subject, so this one is a fine addition to your COLLINS Covers.
A cheery presentation with the four stamps (reindeer, snowman, puppet, and toy soldier) and my hand-painted cachet using the full face of the envelope to best advantage. Christmas. Item #E2201. $11.50.