Collins FDC Catalog
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H2103 / Scott 2747
Oregon Trail
The Women
Collins Cover Announcement
Limited Edition Set
The Women
The Cavalryman
The Mountain Men
The Pony Express Rider
I am pleased to announce that as I anticipated and predicted, the few sets in excess of those done for my subscribers quickly sold out. This being the case, the four above covers being invoiced in this cycle will complete your"Oregon Trail" set.
Besides being a lovely series of covers in its own right, the fact that it contains the award winning First Day Cover from the national contest will certainly add to its desirability. It makes me feel good when I can produce a group of covers such as this for my subscribers knowing that their collectibility will always be very high.
Part of the Oregon Trail was used by the Pony Express as the daring riders carried the mail to and from California. In this cachet, a rider pushes his horse to the limit as a way-station is barely visible in the distance at the edge of the Rockies. Here the rider will change to a fresh horse and be off in seconds.
Solitary and small bands of mountain men first traversed the Oregon Trail enroute to the rich trapping waters of the beaver. These brave pathfinders soon knew the new country better than anyone and my hand-painted cachet features a close-up portrait of this rugged breed of man.
Women forged a powerful part of the move to settle the west as they joined their men and inspired their families to meet the perils of the Oregon Trail. In this cachet, a young wife and mother cradles an infant and has a toddler in tow as a fierce storm sweeps down on the wagon train.
Pioneers on the trail had to look to themselves for protection against hostile Indians but some help could be counted on from the U.S. cavalry. In this action cachet, a mounted officer is in battle and he is ready to fire his carbine right in your direction. The job of the western soldier was a lonely and tough one but a comforting thought to the long wagon trains on the Oregon Trail.
Because there are no extra covers available for this set, I am not enclosing a blue sheet this time. Also, the only reaon I'm invoicing for four covers instead of three is because I want to complete this set now all at once. In closing, let me again stress that this group of covers is already sold out. I'm glad that it will be included in your collection. People of the Oregon Trail.