Collins FDC Catalog
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H2201 / Scott 2804
Mariana Islands
Latte Stones
Collins Cover Announcement
A group of sixteen islands in the western Pacific Ocean form the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. This archipelago was named after Queen Mariana of Spain who reigned in the 17th Century. Saipan is the largest of the islands and the seat of government. After World War II they were administered by the U.N. and in 1978 voted to become a self-governning commonwealth with the United States. Residents have U.S. citizenship but do not have representation in Congress nor can they vote in presidential elections. United States stamps are used for postage on the islands.
For my hand-painted cachet on this issue I decided to go beneath the surface of the tropical Pacific waters to the beautiful life forms that inhabit the reefs. Three varieties of tropical fish swim in front of colorful coral formations. Near-by a curious sea turtle paddles beyond the reef activity enroute to deeper water. This is a fine nature theme COLLINS First Day Cover with a tropical island subject matter that is not available to me very often as I am guided by the new stamps being issued. The "entire" cachet which spans the whole envelope gave me the opportunity to give you a look at a vivid and active scene beneath the sea in a Pacific archipelago. I am pleased to offer it for your collection.
The Northern Mariana Commonwealth. Item #H2201. $10.75.