Collins FDC Catalog
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O2101 / Scott 2755
Dean Acheson
U. S. Secretary of State
Collins Cover Announcement
The hand-painted cachet features an oval portrait of Mr.
Acheson and partial portions of the flags of the following nations: United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, and Belgium. As you can imagine, it's a colorful affair with shades of red dominating.
Dean Acheson was a graduate of both Yale and Harvard Law Schools. He joined the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration in 1933 and was named Secretary of State in 1949 under President Harry Truman. During his career he had many accomplishments including development of the Marshall Plan for European economic recovery and the Baruch Plan for the international control of atomic energy. He was a principal architect of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and was known as the
"Father" of that military alliance. It was NATO, in fact, that countered Soviet expansion and aggression during the Cold War and was one of the main reasons for the ultimate decline of Communism and the break-up of the Soviet Union.
The stamp is canceled in Washington, D.C. where Mr. Acheson devoted so much of his life to the service of this nation.
Item #02101. $10.75.