Collins FDC Catalog
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P2103 / Scott 2758
Sporting Horses
Harness Racing
Collins Cover Announcement
In the late 1960's after leaving the Air Force, I worked for awhile in historic Goshen, New York which is one of the birthplaces of harness horse racing. My office was located only a few'doors down from the "Trotters Hall of Fame" and historic Goshen track. Phil Pines, the fine administrator who oversaw the operation of the Hall of Fame/Museum and the track was a good acquaintance during those days. Each summer "Race Week" would come to the quaint village as owners, trainers, and drivers would return to one of the sports' origins. Kids would sell lemonade and service clubs set up outdoor food stands to feed the enthusiasts from near and far who would come to enjoy a taste of a by-gone era welded to the modern, exciting racing that harness horses provide. Thinking back to those summer weeks of strolling beneath the ancient shade trees, sensing the aroma of hundreds of barbecued chickens, sitting in the grandstand with family and friends enjoying the exciting races and really experiencing a genuine slice of Americana, it brings a warm feeling of a treasured memory.
My hand-painted cachet shows a trotter streaking down the backstretch of historic Goshen track. The driver urges him on and it is a great action presentation that really captures the intensity of the moment. Across the infield, the grandstand can be seen where countless winners have crossed the finish line for well over a century. As I mentioned at the time I offered my "Steeplechase" cover, this four-piece set will be one of the year's finest and, with all due modesty, I think that when you see all four covers side by side you will consider it one of the finest groups of First Day Covers ever produced. (The "Steeplechase" is still available and the "Thoroughbred Race Horses- and 'Polo- covers will be announced soon.) The stamp has the First Day postmark from Louisville, Kentucky.
Orange County, New York is still horse country with many fine farms and stables located in the surrounding rolling hills, fields and pastures. The Hall of Fame and the track are there today for interested visitors. This cover is in tribute to the fine Goshen villagers past and present who have preserved this wonderful national landmark. It pays homage to the "horsemen" from owners to trainers to drivers to stableboys who have contributed to the sport of harness racing. It commends the tireless efforts of Phil Pines over the years to keep alive public interest in both the past and present. And, of course, it celebrates the high-spirited horses that race each other and the clock at racetracks all over the country. So...len on the rail at historic Goshen track and watch close up as horse number one goes thundering by. Item #P2103. $11.50.