Collins FDC Catalog
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P2104 / Scott 2759
Sporting Horses
Collins Cover Announcement
Polo Pony
This four cover set of COLLINS hand-painted "sport horses" First Day Covers has evolved to its conclusion with this offering of the "Polo Pony". in the process, it has become a personal favorite and an example where the final result has exceeded my expectations. Starting with the Jumper (P2101) and followed with the Trotter (P2103) and Race Horse (P2102) I knew I had produced a winner from my own instincts and from the positive collector comments that came in. All three of the above are still available at $11.50 each, but my supply is shrinking and soon they will be gone. If you'd like another set, or if somehow you missed them, do let me know soon. Horses, as a topic and interest, have an appeal in their own right and this group also happens to fit into many "Sports" collections. Added to this is the fact that most future COLLINS collectors will want to corral this set of four because they really are distinctive designs that will photograph well in dealers' sale catalogs on the open market. So, to have at least one set in your holdings now at original price is a prudent move, to be
In this cachet, two riders go one on one as galloping mounts pursue the small ball. A player in a turquoise jersey is on the offense and is about to strike the ball toward the near-by goal. A yellow and red-clad defender, however, has different ideas and has maneuvered his polo pony between the attacker and the goal posts.
To create a sense of motion and to provide an artistic background that serves to highlight the action, I've used a mottled effect for the sky, bordering shrubbery, and grassy field itself. It's a most interesting combination of painting techniques but one that you'll need to see and judge for yourself. This final COLLINS Sporting Horse cover will stand on its own in any cover collection or will add its own flair to the three preceding ones. The Steeplechaser clearing the water-jump (and stamp!); the Trotter on historic Goshen track; and, the Thoroughbreds racing neck and neck to the finish line. And now, the final piece for the set. Polo Pony. Item #P2104. $11.50.