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Collins FDC Catalog

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Q2102 / Scott 2761

Garden Flowers


Collins Cover Announcement 


Near my home in a secluded wood is a mighty oak tree. I think it must be among the largest in New Jersey. I often contemplate that it may, in fact, be -the" largest, but I know the odds are that it isn't. It was on my list of local field trips when I was a scout leader as it gave the youngsters something to study in the present but also to wonder about in the past due to the tree's obvious age. At the base, the circumference of this grand old tree is slightly more than eighteen feet and it always impresses me.

For cachet purposes I moved the oak to an open expansive lawn. Only its base and lower trunk are visible. From an unseen branch a swing is secured and on it a young girl with springtime dress and braided hair looks and wonders at the massive, solitary tree. In the background, a house and other buildings provide the home and family security to the swinging girl. In the foreground, a colorful clump of daffodils harken the arrival of another yearly cycle of growth and renewal.

Because of the bright and cheerful appearance, the eye is naturally drawn to them. But soon, they will be gone until the next year, and at this moment the eyes and mind of the young girl are drawn to the tree. For soon, as with the fragile and beautiful daffodils, the fleeting childhood will also be gone, but the memory of spring days and home and green grass and colorful flowers will linger. And thoughts of the mighty oak tree that will witness other childhoods and many, many daffodil springs. Item #Q2102. $10.75.

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