Collins FDC Catalog
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V2101 / Scott 2489
Flora and Fauna
Red Squirrel
Collins Cover Announcement
About once or twice a week I spot a red squirrel hurrying about his business. On a sunny day, especially, the auburn hair glistens in a bright reddish tone--almost fox-like in appearance. This diminutive squirrel is much smaller than his familiar gray cousin but larger than the playful chipmunk.
Having grown up in northern New Jersey with large stands of pine and hemlock trees, I have often had the opportunity to take solitary walks in the conifer forests. If one sits very still, the reward will come in a variety of bird and animal life. Most assuredly, the gray squirrel will soon make his chattering presence known, but if one is patient, a beautiful red squirrel is always a possibility.
I've put our cachet friend in the midst of evergreen branches against a cream sky as in the stamp. Wanting a touch more contrast, I've added a little pale blue to the clear sky. The squirrel is in the center of this "entire" hand-painted cachet and the detail is super. The facial whiskers. The dark eye encompassed by a white bullseye. The cute, rounded ears. The reddish body hair and hint of a white chest. And, most prominently, the raised bushy tail where the red fur is darkest, brightest, and most vivid. The beautiful woodland creature is virtually framed by the dark green needles of his lofty sanctuary.
The stamp has the Day of Issue bullseye postmark from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A fine wildlife hand-painted FDC in the COLLINS tradition. Red squirrel. Item #V2101. $10.75.