Collins FDC Catalog
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Y2101 / Scott 2779
National Postal Museum
Benjamin Franklin
Collins Cover Announcement
National Postal Museum Series
Starting the Mail System - Benjamin Franklin
This stamp features a printing press, a Colonial post rider, Liberty Hall in Philadelphia, and, most notably, Benjamin Franklin. Since Franklin, one of the most enduring of the Founding Fathers, was instrumental in getting the nation's postal system in motion, I decided to devote this COLLINS Cover to him. It joins the Charles Lindbergh and Graf Zeppelin covers in my Postal Museum set.
Make no mistake--this hand-painted cachet is vintage Ben Franklin and one that definitely warrants a spot in any First Day Cover collection. For starters, there is a large, formal, oval portrait of the famous statesman and it is of a rather handsome middle-aged Franklin without his familiar spectacles and before his flowing hair turned gray. This rendition captures the confident and worldly personality whose life was filled with varied accomplishments and successes. I might add that only via hand painting one brush stroke at a time can portraits like this be brought to life.
Surrounding the hand-painted oval frame are things that we associate with Mr. Franklin. The famous kite as he flirted with electricity. The printing press with which he first served as an apprentice and learned his trade. And the Franklin stove--one of his most famous inventions.
Also shown in my cachet are his famous glasses and a quill pen, inkwell, and book to symbolize that, indeed, he was a learned man who valued education and knowledge. Hand-painted lettering is the final highlight to this incredible First Day Cover that is my tribute to our country's first Postmaster General. Scientist. Printer. Inventor. Statesman.
Founding Father. Benjamin Franklin, citizen. Item #Y2101. $10.75.