Collins FDC Catalog
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I2511 / Scott 3000O
Comic Strips Classics
Collins Cover Announcement
"Dick Tracy" by Chester Gould began in 1931. Grotesque villains was the trademark of this strip through the years. Danger lurked behind every corner for the famous detective. My hand-painted cachet shows Tracy in a boat with a tommygun and two police officers in pursuit of his adversary "Bronzen".
"Blondie" by Chic Young began in 1930. She started out as a flapper who pursued a billionaire's son -- Dagwood. His parents disinherited the couple when they married. The Bumsteads moved to the suburbs, got a dog named Daisy, had two children named Alexander and Cookie and lived happily ever after. My hand-painted cachet shows Dagwood raiding the refrigerator in pursuit of one of his famous sandwiches and Blondie mentioning the price of her new hat while he is preoccupied with food.
"Allie Oop" by V. T. Hamlin began in 1933. This caveman strip had a cast of prehistoric people and animals. Some real and almost real anthropology lent a plausible atmosphere to Hamlin's mixture of themes, premises, and character types. In my hand-painted cachet, a club wielding Alley Oop pursues a fleeing brontosaurustype dinosaur while a flying pteranodon-type dinosaur soars overhead.
I really like this set and the way my covers are turning out. They certainly capture a true slice of Americana -- the funny papers_ Extras are not available as this set will be an immediate sell out. Their distinctive appearance will make them excellent additions to your COLLINS collection.
With these three FDCs you watch Dick Tracy pursue the criminal Bronzen; Dagwood pursue his famous sandwich; and Alley Oop pursue a mischievous dinosaur. Classic Comics. $10.75. each.