Collins FDC Catalog
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J2502 / Scott 3001
U.S. Naval Academy
150th Anniversary
Early Midshipmen at Academy
Subscriber-Only Edition
Collins Cover Announcement
United States Naval Academy
150th Anniversary
Each year I do two special COLLINS Covers for subscribers. These Limited Edition hand-painted cachets are certainly a benefit of being a subscriber because no one else has the opportunity to obtain them. And, not even for subscribers are extras available which means that these "sub-only" covers will always be sought after items and their market value will reflect their scarcity.
My hand-painted composit cachet features an officer instructing a trio of midshipmen. In the background, "middies" labor at the oars of a training longboat and a vignette of an early ship with all sails unfurled cruises the open sea. To give this COLLINS a true Naval Academy flavor, I've included an historic gatehouse building and also an Indian masthead figure that is prominently displayed on the grounds. This entire cachet is bordered by the woven hemp rope line so familiar to early seafarers.
The stamp is postmarked on Day of Issue at Annapolis, Maryland. For newer subscribers I want to emphasize again that this cover is a "key" one for your COLLINS collection. It is entirely different from my up-coming regular edition Naval Academy cover (which will also be an excellent item to own) and it is done just for you with no extras. The "subscriber only" Limited Edition United States Naval Academy FDC. Item #J2502. $9.75.