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Collins FDC Catalog

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R2412 / Scott 2975L

Civil War

Stand Watie

Collins Cover Announcement 


In the coming weeks I will be putting the finishing touches on what promises to be the most appealing series of COLLINS Covers yet produced. It will be appealing in terms of "visual impact" as I muster all of the experience gained over the years in cachetmakig techniques. It will be appealing in terms of -color with, as always, each indi,,idual cover painted by hand to ensure a look that is unmatched in the hobby. It will be appealing in terms of 'collectibility' as I will ONLY produce this set for the collectors ordering now. (Already there is a -waiting list" for my 'Legends of the West" set but, of course, none are available. The demand for the "West will only increase in the future as its reputation grows.) It will be appealing in terms of 'historic interest" as the Civil War and its main participants continue to capture and hold the imagination of many, many Americans. There are numerous Civil War buffs out there and this set will become a potential treasure to them as well as to stamp and cover collectors within the hobby.

Just as Civil War officers readied their troops for battle, I am getting ready for long and busy hours of "licking and sticking" on Issue Date. I am working on a plan to obtain some outstanding First Day postmarks to give this COLLINS set the finest philatelic significance of any being done by any cachet, maker. I can only hope that the day will go as well as it did for the "Legends of the West".

The stamp subjects are a cachetmaker's dream. A wish come true. Robert E. Lee. Ulysses S. Grant. Abe uincoln. Jeff Davis. The Battle of Gettysburg. Yankee Generals William Tecumseh Sherman and Winfield Scott Hancock. the Battle of Shiloh. Confederate Generals Stonewall Jackson and Joe Johnston. The Battle of Chancellorsville. Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. Clara Barton. Admiral Farragut. The Naval Battle between the USS Monitor and the CSS Merrimack. And others.

The beauty about being a cachetmaker is that the subjects on the stamps can be enhanced and expanded. In addition to the stamp subjects listed above, I will bring to this set other famous officers of this mighty conflict on both sides. I'll feature non-coms and enlisted men. Infantry and cavalry and artillery. And each and every cover will be completely hand painted brush stroke by individual brush stroke.

My credo is simple. The proof is in the pudding. Without being over-dramatic, I want to assure you that this set will add something very special and significant to your collection.

It will be the result of a monumental effort to do justice to a uniquely American subject. The Union and the Confederacy. The Yankees and the Johnny Rebs. The Blue and the Gray. The North and the South. The Civil War.

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