Collins FDC Catalog
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B2803 / Scott 3170
Classic Movie Monsters
Boris Karloff as Frankenstein’s Monster
Collins Cover Announcement
Movie Monsters
These two covers begin my -five cachet mini-set for the Classic Movie Monster series, Featured will be the Phanton of the Opera, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, and the Wolf Man. As the two illustrations will confirm, this five cover Coffins set promises to be bold and powerful It is impossible for me to describe how the hand painting brings these monsters to life, but you will not want to miss adding them to your colletion. Obtain the first two now with the remaining three to be announced and offered soon. These are "horror" ible and "terror" ible Collins cachets, They may sell out quickly, and the possibility of your missing them is a "scary" thought The set of five will become a hobby classic.
Boris Kario
Born William Henry Pratt in a suburb of London in 1887, Karloff was the youngest of nine children. At age 21, he traveled to Canada to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. He arrived in Hollywood in 1913 working as an extra and bit player. In 1931 he got the role of Frankenstein's monster and instantly became a superstar. He played the same monster in two sequels - Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein. My hand-painted cachet shows the famous monster lurking in the small, isolated Scottish village where he was created. Its scary appeal has that European look
The Wolf Man
Lon Chaney, Jr,
Born Creighton Chaney in 1906, the star changed his name to Lon. Jr. under great pressure from the entertainment industry. His big break came in the 1939 film Of Mice and Men where he won the role of the big but child-like Lennie. His role in this picture was so acclaimed that it opened the door to a career that would include 170 films. In 1941 he was cast as Lawrence Talbot the unfortunate victim of an ancient curse in The Wolf Man. My hand-painted cachet shows this monster on an eerie monlit night breaking into a remote building. The pale, serene forested background combined with the furious Wolf Man in the foreground creates a great effect in this Collins First Day Cover.
Item numbers B2603 (Frankensteita), and B2805 (Wolf Man) at $11.75 each