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Collins FDC Catalog

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Q2701 / Scott RW64

Migratory Birds 

Fred's Anecdotal Note

1997 Federal Migratory Bird

Delicate wildflowers combine with the graceful profilas of the two Canada Geese in this hand-painted Collins First Day Cover. A species which mates for life, the content pair meander thrgugh a colorful floral garden planted by Mother Nature. The distinctive black and white necks and heads are contasted with golden rod, purple loosetstife, and pink Joe Pye weed. In the foreground, crimson bee balm, yellow buttercups, and blue chickory complete the cachet design.

The high-value fifteen dollar Federal stamp and yellow rose stamp to meet postage requiremels have a pictorial First Day postmark from 'Duck Stamp Station" in McLean, Virginia. The cancel design is based on that of the stamp which I think is a nice feature. My watercolored cachet wraps around the postnark to provide a balancecd composition and subtle visual impact.

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