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Collins FDC Catalog

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G2901 Scott 3050

Flora and Fauna

Ring-Necked Pheasant

Collins Cover Announcement 

Ring-Necked Pheasant

A Stunning Wildlife Watercolor Cachet

Sportsmen in the thirteen colonies introduced this handsome game bird to the Western Hemisphere, and today it is found in almost every state. The favored habitat is more abundant in the northern sections of the U.S., and the pheasant particularly thrives in the grain fields and low ground cover of the Dakotas and Nebraska.

My handpainted cachet pictures a regal male strutting at the edge of a farm field. His body colors are beautiful--topped by the namesake white ring, rich green head, and distinctive red face. From the days I first hiked the meadows and woods of North Jersey, I knew that this lovely creature was something special. If you love wildlife, nature, or birds, this Collins is a must. The individual hand painting brings this cachet to a higher level of First Day Cover art. I'm pleased to offer my Ring-Necked Pheasant. Collins Number G2901 - $12.25.

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