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Collins FDC Catalog

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H2901 / Scott 3226

Legends of Hollywood

Alfred Hitchcock - Filmmaker

Collins Cover Announcement 

Alfred Hitchcock

Legends of Hollywood Series

The hand painted cachet for this First Day Cover is a montage of three of Director Hitchcock's most wellknown suspense-filled films - "North By Northwest," "Psycho," and "The Birds." It is a most interesting cachet and captures the creative genius especially when dealing with thrillers. My previous "Hollywood" covers for Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and Humphrey Bogart were all eagerly acquired by my collecors, and I'm sure this Collins Cover honoring Alfred Hitchcock will quickly disappear from my stock. You will be very happy to have it in your collection.

"Hitch" as he was known to his friends, went from the silent screen to the modern movies to television. He began in 1919 by illustrating title cards for silent films for Paramount in London. The first movie he directed was "The Pleasure Garden" in 1925. In 1930's and 1940's his films became legends. They included "The Man Who Knew Too Much", The 39 Steps", "Spellbound", and "The Paradine Case". Universal fame came to him in the 1950's with his hugely popular television show "Alfred  Hitchcock Presents". Also, the 1950's were golden years for him in the movies with such hits as "Rear Window", "Vertigo", North By Northwest", and "Psycho". In later years he only directed a few films including "The Birds".

Alfred Hitchcock is the first director to be honored in the Legends of Hollywood Series. My hand painted cachet is fitting philatelic tribut to a giant in the entertainment industryand I'm happy to announce this Collins Cover for "Hitch". Collins #H2901.  $12.25

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