Collins FDC Catalog
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T2901 / Scott 3245
Christmas Wreaths
Traditional Wreath - Old World Santa with Pack
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas Wreaths
Old World Santa With Pack
This hand painted cover begins my 1998 Christmas mini-set of four. It promises to be a delightful series featuring various portrayals of Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas from around the world. Each of the four has one of the new Wreath stamps canceled at Christmas, Michigan.
The first cover has an Old World Santa trekking across the countryside with his pack of toys. Note his distinctive fur-trimmed clothing and, especially, the cape with attached peaked hood. Watercolors have brought the scene to life, and it is framed by evergreen boughs and holly.
One of the nicest Christmas First Day Covers I've ever produced. The Traditional Wreath stamp and Old World Santa. Item #T2901 - $12.25