Collins FDC Catalog
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T2904 / Scott 3248
Christmas Wreaths
Tropical Wreath - Children with Santa
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas Wreaths
Santa with Children
It is with much personal satisfaction that I present the fourth and final Christmas Wreath cover. My hand painted cachets have shown Santa Claus - the Spirit of Christmas - in four familiar aspects of his seasonal presence. The first three have depicted him with his pack, on a rooftop, and at the North Pole with Mrs. Claus. In my final cachet for the set, he is seen where he best belongs - with children.
A young boy seems a little awed but nonetheless tugs at the flowing beard to see if it is real. Santa meets his gaze with assurance. The young girl snuggles up to a fur-caped jacket and is content just to quietly enjoy the encounter. She, too, holds strands of the long whiskers but does so not because of any doubts but rather to hold onto the precious moment.
The hand painted cachet captures the eternal magic that Christmas holds for the very young. The detail is magnificent, and the watercolored art elevates this Collins to one of the finest Christmas First Day Covers you'll ever see. The small flames in the holiday candles will always glow with the warmth and presence of Father Christmas. The ageless and uplifting spirit known as Santa Claus. Item #T2904. $12.25.