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Collins FDC Catalog

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W2901 / Scott 3257 & 3193

Weather Vane

Weather Vane & Southern Magnolia

Collins Cover Announcement 

Weather Vane

The One-Cent Make-up Stamp

The colorful rooster Weather Vane stamp was the inspiration to depict a barnyard flock of chickens in this hand painted cachet. The White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds are a vivid memory of my childhood at Collins Ponds as recounted in my recently published book. I can clearly remember gathering eggs from under docile hens and avoiding the aggressive forays of the roving roosters.

Shown within an inset to the upper left is a traditional weather vane that is pure Americana. The flowering tree stamps were used in combination with the new one to meet postal requirements. Chickens are definitely a collectible topical for many people, and I suggest that you don't let this one from "down on the farm" get away from you. It could be an early sell out.

The one-cent Weather Vane make-up stamp with a great Americana cachet - Item #W2901. $12.25.

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