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P. J. T. Beauregard

S5304 / Scott 4911

The Civil War

Battle of Mobile Bay

General P.G.T. Beauregard

Cover Announcement 

Beauregard was the first prominent general of the Confederacy. Trained as a civil engineer at the United States Military Academy, he served with distinction as an engineer during the Mexican-American War. In 1861 he became the superintendent at West Point but resigned from the army after the southem states seceded from the Union.

His first command was the defense of Charleston, South Carolina, at the start of the war. In the summer of 1861 the forces under his command won the First Battle of Bull Run near Manassas, Virginia. Next he commanded the southern armies in the Western Theater of Operations including the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee. In June of 1864 he had his greatest achievement when he saved the cities of Richmond and Petersburg from attacks by far superior Union Army forces.

After the war Beauregard returned to his native Louisiana and became a raiiroad executive. Other accomplishments included inventor, writer, and civil servant. General P.G.T. Beauregard is now ready. Collins #S5304 - S15.00.

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