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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom


B1001 / Scott 2131


Stutz Bearcat 1933

Collins Cover Announcement 


There is a certain romance about classic automobiles and the Stutz Bearcat certainly is a classic. My hand-painted cachet for this cover is one that really captures the motion of the speeding Bearcat. It is an entire, with the car and driver speeding along a country lane. The trees lining the road are drawn and painted to give an illusion of speed to the passing motorcar. The driver's

scarf, flying in the breeze, contributes to the feeling of speed.

Across the top, extra large fancy letters really add to the classic look of this FDC.

A pair of stamps (from Transportation Series) is tied to the cover with a terrific unofficial First Day cancel -- Carville, Louisiana. Carville is a small community a short drive south of the official city of Baton Rouge, and I think you'll agree that it is perfect for this issue.

This cover Presents a really nice picture with the over-all design of the speeding Stutz Bearcat, the Carville cancel, and the large, fancy lettering. I think this COLLINS FDC is destined to become a coveted one for this particular issue, and I hope you'll want to acquire one now for your collection. Item #B1001 - $7.50 

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