Collins FDC Catalog
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C901 / Regan Inaugural
Ronald Wilson Reagan
40th President of the United States
Collins Cover Anouncement
Inaugural covers continue to grow in popularity with collectors, and this COLLINS will certainly be considered a key piece in any Inaugural or COLLINS collection. I am most pleased with this item and I urge you not to miss adding it to Your collection. My first Inaugural sold out rather quickly in 1981 and this second COLLINS will also be, I believe, sought actively by my collectors and others. I have also received quite a few inquiries from Inaugural snecialists. My recommendation to you is to add one of these Reagans to your collection now -- down the road you will be searching it out. As is always the case, I will be glad to
accept multiple orders, but they will be subject to supply and demand.
The hand-painted cachet is a beauty. To the left is a large, frontal portrait of the President who carried 49 states. I believe that this portrait cantures the man exactly (no easy task) as he projects himself and by any measure now or in the future it has to be considered vintage Ronald Reagan. Behind him is the red, white and blue of a flying flag. In the lower right corner is a hand-painted Presidential seal which features our American eagle. The inclusion and placement of this seal add just the right touch of balance and more color.
Bitter, frigid cold greeted me as I departed National Airport for downtown Washington. It was so cold that dispatchers were stuffing cabs to their capacity with "sharing" passengers so travelers would not have to wait in the usual lines. It was that cold! As we reached the city, about 80% of the traffic lights were not working due to frozen mechanisms. At the Post Office, the clerks were working in good cheer and it was quite a busy time. The hand cancel is a very nice one which features for the first time a pictorial of the White House. This makes for a most interesting cancel and I'm sure that it will probably continue in future years.
And then we have the stamps. The stamps. This is the part of the cover that I decided to make really special. Each COLLINS Inaugural has two stamps -- the 1041 8 Statue of Liberty and the CE2 Airmail Special Delivery. I chose these two stamps very carefully based on their visual impact and symbolic content. Visually, the Liberty stamp is blue with a red design, and the Special Delivery is red with a blue design. Side by side, they go together like a horse and carriage and really look great. Their content, or design, is the clincher. The E3 stamp features the Statue of Liberty and what could be more perfect for a 1985 Inaugural cover. The grand lady is making the news continually as she is getting refurbished on Liberty Island. The 16 stamp, issued 50 years ago in 1934, features the U.S. eagle with olive branches, arrows and shield.
This is a cover that will always demand attention when compared to all other 1985 Inaugurals. It has the hand-painted cachet that captures the image and spirit of Ronald Reagan. It is only the "second" Inaugural that I have produced and as such will always be an important COLLINS. And, it has the finest stamp combination of any 1985 Inaugurals being offered by anyone -- featuring "The Lady" and "The Eagle". The pictorial White House hand cancel ties these two color-coordinated (red on blue and blue on red) stamps to the cover. A nice item. #D901 - $9.00