Collins FDC Catalog
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I901 / Scott C115
Transpacific Pacific Airmail
Collins Cover Announcement
(44 Airmail)
The first thing you'll notice if you add this cover to your collection is the color -- light blue. Since the hand-painted cachet would show a flight path across the wide Pacific, I decided to show the waters of the world 's largest ocean via a blue envelope. With the land masses hand painted in various colors , it really is a nice looking FDC . Also depicted is the China Clipper itself, the aircraft that opened up the Orient, as it wings westward. The flight path is shown by a broken red line - starting at San Francisco and Island hopping (Hawaii, Midway, Wake, Guam, Philippines) across the sea to Hong Kong. The cachet shows North America to the right and Asia to the left with the Pacific community in between -- all hand-painted on the blue cover.
This is the first time ever that I've used a colored envelope, and I ' m sure you will welcome it to your collection.
The stamp is a forty-four cent Airmail which in itself is unusual as
not many Airmails are issued any more . It has the First Day bullseye from San Francisco. This is an eye-catching FDC reflecting the by-gone era of the China Clipper -- eye-catching because of the hand-painted map format presented on a blue cover. Very attractive. Item #1901 - $7.75