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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom


M901 / Scott 1856

Great Americans

Sinclair Lewis Playwright

Collins Cover Announcement


Main Street was one of Sinclair Lewis' major works and that is the theme that this "entire" hand-painted cachet captures. Across the breadth of the cover is a main street from early America. A couple of vintage autos are parked in front of typical "downtown" shops that were once the hub of consumer shopping (now displaced, in large part by sprawling malls). The cover is a nostalgic look backward, and I think that it could very well be judged as best for the issue.

For the unofficial, I chose Saint Clair, Minnesota, which I thought was a nice play of words against Sin-Clair. It is a nice, clear cancel with killer bars and ties a pair of the 14 stamps to the envelope. An additional pair is canceled with the official city postmark -- Sauk Centre, Minnesota.

Again, I must offer this cover to vou in comparison to other current cachetmakers. This COLLINS has the hand-painted "entire" cachet as well as both official and unofficial First Day cancels. There is no doubt in my mind that down the road this item will join the other sold-out COLLINS FDCs as a virtual impossibility to obtain at anything near this offering price. I urge you to grab one now (and also any others, especially 1985's, that you are missing) so that in the foreseeable future you can be glad that it is not YOUR collection with the missing spaces. Item #M901 - $8.00

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